Dow Launches New Lancelot 450WG Herbicides

Win the Battle against your Toughest Broadleaf Weeds

Growers In Narok, Nakuru and Eldoret welcomed the introduction of Dow Agrosciencies new innovation with thunderous applause as presenter after presenter enumerated its benefits. “I am pleased to announce the introduction of Lancelot 450WG Herbicide to growers in the cereal sector. As Dow Agrosciences we are thrilled to add Lancelot 450WG to our expanding herbicide portfolio,” said Mr. Oscar Shilliebo, Business Development Manager, East Africar in the midst of applauses. “Lancelot 450WG offers unparalleled control of many hard-tocontrol weeds with impressive plant safety.”

The new post-emergent herbicide for cereal crops (Wheat, barley, Maize) containing a new active ingredient Aminopyralid and Florasulam delivers excellent control of many key annual and selected perennial broad leaf weeds.

Lancelot 450WG is effective against a very wide range of broadleaf weeds, including resistant Amaranthus and Emex australis. The product has a wide application window from tillering till the second node stage of wheat, it has soil residual efficacy, allowing control of late germinating weeds. In addition, Lancelot can be mixed cereal graminicides, insecticides, fungicides and liquid fertilizers. It has rain fast of one hour after application.

Lancelot 450 WG contains two active ingredients, from different chemical families; 300g/Kg Aminopyralid, a new active ingredient in the pyridine carboxylic class of chemistry with and auxinic mode of action (HRAC group O). Florasulam is a atriazolopyrimidine sulphonamide with an ALS mode of action (HRAC group B).

Mode of Action
Aminopyralid possesses auxin-like qualities and moving systemically throughout the plant, binding at receptor sites normally used by the plants natural growth hormones which results in deregulation of plant growth metabolic pathways and therefore disruption of normal growth processes.

This significant disruption of normal plant growth processes ultimately causes the death of susceptible plant species.

Florasulam Inhibits the plant enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS) which is essential for synthesis of branched amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. Plant death occurs in response to the inhibition of the ALS enzyme appearing first as growth inhibition, and then, several distinctive whole plant symptoms, followed by dessication and eventual death.

Lancelot penetrates into the plants through the leaf surface mainly and secondary through the roots. Both compounds move systemically throughout the plant and deregulate plant growth metabolic pathways, affecting the growth process and of the plant and which leads to death of susceptible plant species.

Speaking during the Launch, Mr. Shilliebo said Lancelot controls a wide spectrum of annual and perennial broad leaf weeds. Optimum application timing is when weeds