A Date With Lizano Limited: Passion Beats “Gender And Age Stereotyping”

“Skills are cheap passion is priceless” said Shamira of Lizano Limited; a powerful agro inputs supplier company. My first encounter with her was at Eldoret Agri-Expo which was held at Eldoret polytechnic; what got my attention was the way she attended to each and every customer at their stand; whether a customer was only consulting about the product or purchasing, they were all accorded the same special treatment. Given the constraints of time at the show I had to book an appointment with her to learn more about the kind of zeal and passion she exhibited at the show as far as agriculture was concerned.

“We are investors in agriculture from this we culminated our passion out of enormous experiences in the farm” said Shamira. Interviewing both Shamira and Catherine who are the founders of Lizano limited unleashed a lot of resourceful and inspiring details on their triggers to actively participate in the sector. Being investors, they understood the niche and what the farmer really required. With this knowledge in mind they defied all the odds by investing in a field which for a while now, has been perceived and believed to be a male’s venture and especially agricultural moguls who are of older age ranging from 40 years moving forward.

What makes Lizano exceptional from other suppliers in the country is that; they offer more than just selling products, they understand what they do and they do know it is their obligation to educate the farmer, to institute linkages with them and see to it that farmers achieve desirable results from their investments. With their passion, charming personalities and hospitality farmers feel obliged to express their needs: with this freedom comes confidence and trust for the product and those selling it.”We strive to make good returns in our ventures, but it is not always about the money” said Catherine. I was really inspired by those humble utterances from Catherine; we are in an era where entrepreneurs have made money their first priority without paying attention to quality, market factors and customer hiccups hence exploiting the farmers in return. At Lizano; networking, farmers’ training and quality assurance are their priorities. When this sequence is followed to the latter, farmers will willingly to spend every penny provided they are assured of value.

Well, with only seven months in the market; Lizano keeps on growing, building networks and transforming farming. Lizano limited is a rising giant in agro input supplies. With shops now in Nairobi and Eldoret. Farmers are keen on supporting and trading with those passionate on what they do. They keep on improving agriculture and touching lives one farmer at a time. The energy, passion, commitment and honesty are what any investor, company and farmers would bet their money on. Check them out