BASF Launches Two New Herbicides in 2018

A new pre-emergent and a new postemergent herbicide will be available for maize farmers in 2018. BASF launched the two herbicides in a well attended maize farmers’ trainings in Kitale and Eldoret. Integrity® is a broad-spectrum pre-emergence herbicide for the control of broad leaved weeds and grasses and Stellar Star® a broad spectrum post-emergence herbicide, specifically formulated for weed control in maize farming were introduced at a time when most farmers are calling for better solutions in their weed management programs.

“Broad leaved weeds and grasses continue to be a challenge and growers are requesting for new tools to help them manage their fields,” said Matija Gorsic, Herbicide Technical Manager for Africa and Middle East Region, in an interview with this periodical. “Some are especially difficult to control because they continue to emerge throughout the season. Our research trials have shown that the products we launch today provides a longer residual control of these challenging weeds”. The products offer a low usage rate which allows farmers to select the best rate for their fields. Increased application flexibility, from fall to early pre-plant and early post-emergence in maize giving growers more options throughout the season.

“We’ve all seen this trend for a while now. Consumers want high-performance, high-quality products that have improved environmental profiles,” said Mr. Patrick Ngugi BASF’s Regional Marketing manager.

Integrity® - Take the first mover advantage The introduction of Integrity® a pre-emergence herbicide for the control of large seeded weeds which germinate from deeper soil layers due to its unique movement in the soil is a welcomed move. The product which reduces early competition from weeds right from germination allows maize to freely utilize the entire moisture and soil nutrients contributes to BASF’s expanding portfolio of cereal products and offers farmers a high level of control with a reduced environmental impact and maximum delivery on yields.

Integrity® is an innovative, broad spectrum, pre-emergence residual herbicide powered by the new technology Kixor that will control the toughest annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in maize farming. The new active ingredient Kixor brings a new dimension in control of weeds due to its mobility in soil which enables control of large seeded weeds as well.

Patrick Ngugi - BASF Regional Marketing Manager speaks to farmers 34

Mode of Action
A dual combination herbicide that combines the high-performing PPO inhibitor Kixor, HRAC E with the powerful cell division inhibitor Dimethenamid-P, HRAC K3 is applied after emergence of the crop when severe injuries will occur. Kixor, ensure lipids and proteins are attacked and oxidized, preventing manufacture of chlorophyll and carotenoids in leaky membranes, which allows cells and cell organelles to dry and disintegrate rapidly, resulting in plant death.

In addition, DMTA-p ensures cell division inhibitors are active at two main sites, the developing shoot and the root stops plant cells from dividing, which inhibits shoot elongation and lateral root formation.

Water Solubility
Due to higher water solubility, Integrity® will rapidly penetrate the soil surface and quickly enter the soil capillary moisture within the soil profile. This makes it rapidly available for uptake by germinating weeds hence a superior pre-emergent herbicidal activity.

In addition, Integrity® requires less rainfall for activation than competitor products. This makes its performance more consistent in drier soil with greater lateral movement in soils due to water solubility resulting in total phase out of weeds.

Excellent Soil Dispersion
Integrity® has a good lateral distribution. After rapidly penetrating the soil surface, DMTA-P quickly enters into soil moisture and air spaces within the soil profile. It has low vertical movement in the soil leading to low leaching. The most important factors influencing bioavailability are water solubility and soil adsorption. DMTA-P has the lowest soil adsorption and the highest water solubility, which contributes to an increased bioavailability – especially under dry conditions

Control of yellow nuts edge
This can be improved if Planting is immediately preceded by thorough ploughing with a mould board plough making a fine, even, and firm seedbed. Application should be followed by at least 10 - 15 mm of soft penetrating rain (or irrigation) to wash the herbicide into the soil, prior to the emergence of yellow nuts edge (normally 7 - 10 days after ploughing). More rain is required on heavier soils to obtain good results and insufficient moisture is often the reason why poor control is experienced on turf soils.

When planting into moist soil, application of Integrity® should be made at, or immediately after planting, to ensure herbicide activation, prior to emergence of yellow nuts edge. When planting into dry soil (insufficient moisture for yellow nuts edge germination), application should be timed as close as possible to, but definitely before, the first rain

Integrity® Watch Outs
Integrity® should not be applied after the crop has germinated – pre – emergence only and when organophosphate or carbamate insecticides are applied on seed or during planting or on inbred parent lines. Why Integrity® Integrity® has a long residual activity (outperforming commercial standards in trials). It is a broad spectrum solution for control of annual broadleaf and annual grass weeds. It also controls large seeded broadleaf weeds emerging from deeper soil layers and the toughest BLW like Nicandra physaloides, Xanthium strumarium, Datura stramonium and Ipomea spp.

When using Integrity®, fewer weed escapes due to lateral soil mobility. It needs less water for activation, more flexible application and has a good performance even under drier conditions. It is able to control glyphosate, ALS and triazine resistant weeds; it is a program that has shortest waiting periods for follow up crops.

Stellar® Star - Still on time
During the same meetings, BASF also announced the launch of Stellar® Star, a powerful and innovative new broad-spectrum, post-emergence herbicide specifically formulated for weed free field in maize farming. Stellar® Star is a highly effective herbicide for post-emergency application to control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in maize. It has an adjuvant present in the formulation for optimal efficacy. The post emergency maize herbicide also has the widest flexibility of application.

Stellar® Star offers an exciting new tool for maize farmers to combat a wide spectrum of weeds and maximize crop yield,” says Mr. Matija Gorsic. Adding, “It is a proven performer that delivers reliable broad-spectrum weed control to Maize farmers. Trials utilizing Stellar® Star have demonstrated efficacy against perennial broadleaf leaves and annual grasses in maize”.

Mode of action
Speaking to the farmers Mr/ Matija Gorsic said, “Stellar® Star combines the trusted control of HPPD inhibitor Topramezone HRAC F2 with an Auxin inhibitor Dicamba HRAC O mode of action, providing maize farmers a new weed control option for their field and offering a convenient resistance management tool. As a post-emergence herbicide, Stellar® Star has a systemic activity Leaf uptake and translocation and foliar uptake providing early season weed control during critical crop stages.

Topramezone inhibits the Carotenoid / Plastoquinone biosynthesis pathway while Dicamba is soil and foliar active, systemic with broadleaf activity. Dicamba also complements Topramezone by increasing the control of additional creeper broadleaf weeds such as: Citrullus lanatus - Wild watermelon, Commelina benghalensis - Wandering Jew, Fallopia convolvulus - Climbing Knotweed, Ipomoea purpurea - Morning Glory and all perennial broadleaf weeds.

Timing of application
The post –emergence weed control should be applied when most of the weeds are in 3 – 4 leaf stage. No application on inbred parent lines and waiting periods must be respected

Why Stellar® Star?
It is an excellent herbicide for post-emergence applications in maize and sugarcane with a safe and flexible post-emergency application which offers complete weed control and high selectivity. Stellar® Star has a Broad-spectrum control via leaves of all annual grasses, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and also is a reliable control for large weeds with later applications. It also boasts of a long application window. The two modes of actions ensure an enhanced control and resistance management. With incorporated adjuvant it is simple to handle.

Parting Shot
“Given the increasing occurrence of herbicide resistance and a potentially shrinking number of solutions available for combating toughto- control weeds, the two herbicides present a welcome opportunity for farmers to ensure they have the crop protection they need,” says Matija. “These new herbicides affirm BASF’s position as a leader in maize solutions and our commitment to growing and furthering innovation within cereals farming.”