Clodigan 240 EC: Puts Grass to Rest Gives Wheat the Best

It was pomp and dance as cereal growers in Nairage Enkare, Narok County welcomed the entry of a first class grass herbicide in their spray programs. The entry came with an almost audio recorded oratory of Robert Wachira, Country Head, Adama East Africa not previously heard in the area.

In a more theatrical way, Mr. Wachira said, “In today’s growing environment- with constantly shifting social, economical, environmental and market priorities, every grower would vote for a product which ensures high yield, cost benefit per Ha is achieved, minimal environmental impact, crop tolerance and High Compatibility. In addition it should lead to more vigorous, healthier and higher yielding crops”.

Clodigan is an innovative systemic post - emergence wheat herbicide for the control of annual grasses like love grass (setaria spp), wild finger (Eleusine spp),wild oat (Avena spp),wilmann love grass (Eragrostis spp) & rye grass (Lolium spp). This was said by Mr. Robert Wachira while addressing farmers during the one day seminar. Mr. Wachira told farmers that Clodigan 240EC is readily absorbed through the leaf surface and stems, translocated to meristems and inhibits ACC enzymes which are essential for lipids synthesis. The product has minimal Root uptake and degrades rapidly in soil so there is no effective residual weed control.

Delivering an exceptional level of protection against love grass (setaria spp), wild finger (Eleusine spp),wild oat (Avena spp),wilmann love grass (Eragrostis spp) & rye grass (Lolium spp), and unmatched use flexibility with a wide application window, Clodigan is a great choice as the foundation of your herbicide program.

Robert Wachira, Adama E.A regional Manager says “it’s highly evident that Narok farmers are facing extreme challenges in managing tough weeds like love grass (setaria spp), wild finger (Eleusine spp), wild oat (Avena spp),wilmann love grass (Eragrostis spp) & rye grass (Lolium spp) with existing options. With Clodigan superior level of control, and unmatched application flexibility, the Adama-Amiran team are very excited about the role Clodigan can play to enable farmers to restore effective, efficient and sustainable weed control programs.”

Application of Clodigan 240EC must be post emergence to wheat and grass weeds. Application timing is 3 – 6 weeks after sowing when the wheat has reached the 3 - 4 leaf stage at 0.5 litres a hectare. Clodigan 240EC can also be tank mixed with other broadleafed herbicides like Badge. Optimal activity of Clodigan 240 EC is achieved when applied during weather conditions that are favourable to active weed growth (warm & Humid).

Mr. Wachira concluded by re-echoing the commitment of Adama to consistently bring sustainable and affordable crop protection products to Narok and Kenyan farmers at large.

To sum up the discussion, Mr. Wachira said Clodigan offers:

High yield
Effective and precise grass weed control

Cost benefit per Ha is achieved
Activity on target grass at low rate (1Litre sprays 5 acres)

Minimal environmental impact
No effective residue

Crop tolerance
Good crop tolerance when applied between the leaf stage and stem elongation

High Compatibility
Tank-mixable with many broadleaf herbicides

The Sub-County agricultural officer Mr. Kariuki, said the Seminar could not have come at a more opportune moment than this for the region. Growers yearn to obtain quality products that can be integrated in their programs; to meet the ever stringent market requirements on safety and environment protection, amongst others. He commended Adama and Amiran Kenya for working hard on this area to provide growers with successful and efficient products.

In his speech, Mr. Ayub Kimani, Amiran Kenya Area Agronomist took growers through the Amiran Kenya portfolio. He said that Amiran Kenya Ltd was keeping abreast of market demand, whilst maintaining the highest standards of operation demanded by the international European standards. “We keep a hawk’s eye on our products as guided by the stringent international standards and all the products lined up for you have been able to pass them,” he said. Clodigan entry into the area offers growers additional choice of herbicides.

In his remarks final remarks, Mr. Wachira said, “Today marks an important milestone in our history and commitment to growers. We will strive to bring you benefits not just products. We will not sell products we will provide solutions to enhance productivity per unit area. We will not bring you just new products; we will package technologies to meet the ever changing dynamics of crop protection”.

Most of those interviewed by this bimonthly magazine represented a crosssection of people from all sub-sectors of the agriculture business and they believed Clodigan would be of major commercial advantage to them. “I have used the product before and for sure it is good,” said Mr. Kamau a wheat farmer. Similar sentiments were expressed by Ms. Zipporah Wanjiru another farmer, described it as cost effective. Addressing the growers, Mr. Mr. Ayub Kimani said, “Our desire is to use our technical capacity and capabilities to introduce quality products like Clodigan. We will also endeavour to offer you professional and ethical advisory services in crop protection. It is our high expectation that we will live to your expectations as world class chemical company”.