Stanley Kuria Benard

Planning well in advance is key to achieving a zero-hunger worldPlanning well in advance is key to achieving a zero-hunger world

What is your personal back ground?
Benard Kuria Stanley is a graduate of Nairobi university. After graduation, he joined the agriculture sector and has been working in the agrochemical industry for 20 years., of which 16 is in the cereals sector.

Why did you choose to be an agronomist?
I used to admire the way the Delmonte farm was being managed on the roadside way back in my high school days. I made up my mind that I would like to work and run such a farm way baxk when I was in form two.

How long have you been working with Cereal growers?
I have worked with cereal growers actively for the last sixteen years and I enjoy every bit of it.

Briefly discuss the challenges you go through daily? What would you point out as your strongest attribute that has made you succeed?
Cereal farming is the food basket of the country and majority of the growers are smallscale with minimum technical knowhow. This requires alot of input technically. Servicing all the cereal growers across the board is not easy. Each one needs some time and the day is limited to some 8-10 hrs…Any advice especially to smallscale growers is almost unquestionable. This means I have to take a lot of my time to understand their requirements and give the best advice.

Large scale growers are knowledgeable or employ technical managers. However, they still need a lot of my time to discuss crop managent. There is no room for a mistake. I have to undestand our molecules and other molecules in our market. My strongest attribute is desire to succeed and the passion of my job.

In your experience, discuss some of the challenges cereals farmers are facing?
There are several. However, marketing of their crops for better prices and uncertain weather conditions are their main challenges. These in turn trigger low yields and income which affect the cash flow of the farmers. As such the farmers have a very low buying power.

How do you rise up to the greatest challenge that your job presents?
By continuously training and teaching the farmers on modern farming techniques.Several tecniques-eg conservation technology, crop rotations, Yield enhancement products which add value to the farmers yields etc. I naturally focus on the farmers issues of production. I also plan well in advance how to visit the farmers.

Point out the solutions Syngenta EA Ltd has for the Cereals sector?
Syngenta East Africa Ltd is a global leader in crop protection and a strong partner to the farming industry providing well established and innovative products namely:
Crop burndown we have –touchdown and gramoxone
Fungicides-Amistar extra,Artea,Cherokee

What is the role of the agrochemicalsector to the development of the Cereals Sector?
Major role is food security in addition to providing employment. A nation needs to feed its population and without that there can be no substantial development.

How do you see Syngenta EA Ltd contributing to the future of the Cereals sector?
Cereal sector space is diminishing due to exponential population growth rate which reduces production land for settlement purposes. At syngenta East Africa Ltd, we combine economic success withenvironmental protection and social responsibility. This ensures we develop products which can maximise production while caring for man and environment. In addition, we are going to play a pivotal role since we are not only an R&D but also a key sales and marketing organisation. We are high-tech solution providers of the latest farming technologies. The company has invested alot in technology becoming a leading company in digital agriculture which will be the game changer of modern farming. The current farmer needs to use the resources efficiently.

Growing up, who was your inspiration?
My inspiration was the desire to raise a good family

What decisions have you made in your career that looking back you feel were mistakes and you learned from them?
Recommending farmers for credit without evaluating them and having a thorough background check. This was my turning point.

Describe your ordinary day? Do you have enough personal time?
I am an early riser. Am up by 5 a.m.for my prayers. Thereafter, i go through my diary and confirm any unfinished business of the previous day, reply my mails and then am set for the days activities whether in the field or office.

During the peak season my farmer’s visits start at 6am and join farmers who are busy spraying if need be train on spraying techniques. I then proceed to normal meetings that early. Weekends are set for my family.

What legacy do you want to leave behind in the cereal sector?
Farmers achieving high crop yields while using the most friendly production methods.

Give your final comments
Cereal farming forms the backbone of the country’s economy. Our country solely depends on it. Many times when there is shortage of maize the government reacts very fast. We need to stabilise the maize and wheat prices so that we have a stable economy.

Countries which are highly developed started by developing Agricultural sectors –e.g. in the USA the most valued person is the farmer. The most valued professional in the US is the Agricultural Engineer. Perhaps we should copy from them because they cannot be wrong for 200 yrs ….and is a land of opportunities.

Why do we have to be a net importer of food if Israel the size of RIFT VALLEY is a net Exporter?

Thanks for your time