Seed Variety, Determines Yield

Selection of the right seed variety is most determining factor for a farmer to make good returns in his investment. You should make the right decision from the beginning because once you put that seed in the ground there will be no turning back until its maturity.

PANNAR seed has invested heavily in research and development of the best hybrid seeds. They have done so with the farmers’ needs on their minds all the time, with the aim of not only developing competent seeds which can withstand the hardships of the weather changing patterns but increase yields. Increasing yields will not only increase revenue but make farming more sustainable and worth pursuing.

There Local understanding and commitment to studying the soils of different locations and changing weather patterns have always enabled them to develop tailor made seeds which best perform in a designated environment. The following seed variety developed by Pannar Seed Company is of interest; (PAN 5M-37) because of the results which have been witnessed first-hand from the farmers. PAN 5M-37

PAN 5M-37 has a comparability relative maturity (CRM) of 133; this is in comparison with major competitors like; PAN 4M-23, PAN 413, P3506W and SC513. A smaller (CRM) in a hybrid makes it flower early, fill with grain and mature for harvest within a short time and vice versa for a higher CRM.

PAN 5M-37 has high adaptability to a medium moist altitude and also medium dry altitude just by the virtue of being drought tolerant. To achieve the best results with this variety, it performs well when positioned with the following hybrid varieties; PAN 4M-23, PAN 413 AND PAN 53

Traits of PAN 5M-37

  • Early maturity than PAN 53; it’s CRM is much lower to that of PAN 53 which makes it flower and form the grain early enough ahead of PAN 53.
  • It matures after 115-130 days, this is approximately 4 months from the time of planting
  • PAN 5M-37 has medium cobs which are long and slender with excellent test weight and thinner core. This translates to more kennels per cob which results into more yields 
  • Good husk cover, which provides good protection to the cob.
  • Good grain quality 
  • It has good tolerance to ear-rots due to the good quality of the husk cover 
  • Good tolerance to stalk-lodging
  • Good tolerance to diseases especially to all foliar diseases including MSV
  • PAN 5M-37 is drought tolerant, this makes it perform even in areas which experience low amounts of rainfall.


This kind of variety is the real definition of Pannar’s promise “We farm together for the future”. The guarantee of good yield secures food security for a nation and the resistance of the hybrid to diseases and weather changing patterns positions PAN 5M-37 strategically in regards to the changing weather trends and farming activities.