Corteva Agriscience: Transforming farmers into Smart Businessmen

Farmers experienced Corteva integrated solutions at farm level.

Capacity building of farmers through training on choice of the right maize seed variety and the right crop protection product is one of the ways to improve agricultural productivity. This was said by the Uasin Gishu CEC Agriculture Mr. Samuel Yego during a farmer exchange program session organised by Corteva Agriscience.

Mr. Yego added that low agricultural productivity was due to limited adoption of new agricultural innovations/Technologies. “I encourage you farmers to adopt the new technologies like genetics, weed and pest management solutions offered by Corteva Agriscience specifically for the control of weeds and Fall Army Worm in maize ”, he added.

The event held at Komool farm in Eldoret drew farmers across the maize growing regions of Uasin Gishu, Trans Nzoia and Narok Counties. Farmers were not only verbally trained but also heard from first-hand experience of a farmer who had used Corteva integrated maize solutions.

“To see is to believe, this is the reason the event is held in a farm. The farmers can see and experience first-hand results of what we are discussing. In a five star hotel we will only lecture the advantages of Corteva products with no tangible evidence”, said Doris Kinyua, Business Development Manager-ESCA, Corteva Agriscience.

Ms Kinyua said Corteva was offering a full maize production package and a great opportunity to bring farmers together to see and experience, and also hear from other farmers who have benefited from the package and solutions. The solutions included quality Pannar/Pioneer seed varieties, new innovations in weeds and fall army worm management solutions.

During the training, farmers were taken through a demo plot for a Corteva Pannar/ Pioneer maize variety that Surestart was sprayed for weed management and Radiant for FAW management. Mr. George Kili, the owner of the farm explained to the visiting farmers the importance of using the Corteva Integrated Solutions. He said the company has advanced innovations in maize farming and their solutions have shown high level of efficacy as well the agronomy support given by their team added value. “Their immense dedication to the growth and expansion of the agricultural industry has led to them partnering with farmers like us and their internal expertise and competency gives them a leg up in the partnership to deliver maize farming to new heights”, he said.

Speaking during the training, Mr. Humprey Kiruaye, Country Leader Corteva Agriscience, Kenya took the farmers through the Corteva Brand and did a formal introduction of Corteva brand to the group stating both seeds and crop protection portfolio. “Farmers must know that, not every variety is good for their geographical zone. The four important factors to consider when selecting a variety are; hybrid maturity, inherent genetic resistance yield robbing (disease, pests), agronomic stability (Stress & drought tolerance) and proven yield potential (Tonnage)”, said Mr. Kiruaye. Adding, “better yields start from selection of quality maize seed variety and planting them using the given procedures and using crop protection well to protect the yield potential of the variety. Corteva has a holistic approach which encompasses; planting, weeding, and control of pests”.

Mr. Kiruaye asked farmers to feel free and share any addition information they needed to ensure they succeeded in feeding the nation. He also assured them that there were more seed varieties and crop protection products in pipeline.

SureStart: Give maize a strong start Before planting season, it’s the opportunity to reflect and make plans for the upcoming season. Since every farmer, field and season is different, agronomists are challenged to develop customized weed control programs to fit customers’ unique needs. Corteva Agriscience is challenging farmers to attack weeds early and often.

It is important to have the strongest start possible by layering residual herbicides to control tough weeds. To achieve full yield potential of a maize crop, the crop needs 60days weed free field .Uncontrolled weeds steal crucial nutrients, sun and water from young maize plants and ultimately, rob yield. Some of the fiercest weed competition have long germination periods and spread to more fields each year.

SureStart® 509 SE fits your spray program well. It has a wide window of application giving the farmer a chance to do a preemergent or early post -emergent spray of the product as one go and gives you 8-12 weeks residuality.

It is designed to fit the way farmers grow maize, so they can spend less time worrying about unwanted, yield-robbing weeds. It offers dependability and application flexibility to deal with the unexpected.

SureStart® 509 SE herbicide is proven to give maize a strong start as the first pass to control a broad spectrum weeds like broadleaves, grasses and sedges. SureStart® can be applied preplant giving farmers the flexibility to overcome unexpected weather delays and cover more ground. With three nonglyphosate and nonatrazine modes of action, SureStart® provides residual control of more than 60 difficult-to-control broadleaf weeds and grasses.

Radiant: Fast Knockdown of FAW in Maize Radiant 120 SC is an innovative chemistry for fast knockdown and broad-spectrum control of damaging insects including Fall Army Worm (FAW). Radiant has a unique mode of action with a fast-acting with excellent knockdown. It is effective at low use rates and has short three-day pre harvest interval. The valuable rotation partner with other chemistries has a minimal impact on beneficial insects and predatory mites.

At the end of the training, the farmers who were drawn from large scale farms asked for further trainings, including more advanced lessons and hands-on demonstrations or visits to model farms. Corteva staff, specifically, said that they were committed to promoting agriculture in the country. The training was also attended by Wilson Seroney, TSR, Corteva and Francis Ndung’u of Corteva among others.

In order to optimize maize production opportunities farmers require a partner like Corteva Agriscience; the company which already has foot print in maize as well as with advanced innovations on maize farming.