Peal Agro Services Enterprises Company Limited: A strong, healthy Seed company

Peal Agro Services Enterprises Company Limited is a Kenyan Agricultural Company that is involved in various seeds registration, production and marketing.

We are currently dealing with maize, soy beans and vegetable seeds. We are an independent Seeds and Development company and as so we focus on continuity in the long term and healthy growth. Those two factors are essential for enabling us to focus on our greatest strengths: Researching on and developing high-quality seed varieties. Many years of experience and of investments in people, breeding, Research and innovation have laid the basis for a strong, healthy company – Peal Agro.

The brands development
In 2018 through selection of materials from Cimmyt, PEAL AGRO managed to get two hybrid maize variety released (KISHINDO PLH458, SWARA PLH457) in Kenya. These varieties are three way crosses, KISHINDO is a mid-altitude variety with 100 days to maturity and SWARA is a low altitude variety of 90 days maturity time. Through assistance by the Syngenta Foundation East Africa and the Pan African Trials under Soya innovation Labs ( University of Illinois) a feed the future USAID program, Peal Agro entered into a MoU with KALRO to multiply and market two of their newly released soybean seed varieties namely, Gazelle and BP SB 19.

Certified seeds for both maize and soybeans are in production and are expected in the market in the coming season of October/December.

To be the leader in Seed Research, production and distribution, utilizing the latest proven technologies in Kenya and the region.

To ensure a healthier and safer stakeholder community with sufficient knowledge and skills necessary for managing sustainable crop production modalities, whilst utilizing the latest technology and techniques in order to enhance our global food security.

History, present and future
An entrepreneurial spirit and innovation have been the driving forces behind Peal Agros’ rich history. So much is already evident from the strong determination with which Peter Mutisya established Peal Agro back in 2010, and from the great success he achieved in conducting research in his career spanning over 25 years.

How we achieve it

  • Experienced & exceptional team spirit
  • Trustworthy, sincere & excellent relationship with clients
  • Great relations, support & sound buying power from our suppliers

Our business principles

  • Efficient communication
  • Transparent cooperation 
  • Attention to detail 
  • Personalized service
  • Budget & cost control

Peal Agro future plans include expansion on the line of oil seeds, specific vegetable seeds, flower cuttings and tissue culture. In line with this the company intends to set up high technology plant laboratory for seed research and development. Such research laboratory will be used for innovative technologies in plant seed development.

A real multinational company!
Peal Agro is an international company in that it has vested interests in Tanzania and Uganda at the moment and plans to expand to Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia in the next step. The intention is to create a global seed production unit in Kenya to supply in the region.

Realistic sustainable entrepreneurship
Realistic sustainable entrepreneurship is our goal. We believe that a company cannot really succeed unless it is in full harmony with its environment. As an international company we have nature in our genes. And that’s why we want to do everything we can to make a positive contribution towards our changing living environment, healthy food and healthy food production for the rapidly expanding global population.

Creative and innovative breeding
Our Research & Development (R&D) department is the heart of our company. It is the source of our innovative seed development and release. The combination of creativity, expertise and many years’ experience in RnD & breeding programs is our greatest strength. We invest more than 30% of our turnover in innovation, research, and also in the development of our employees’ knowledge. To enable you to continuously develop top-quality Seeds varieties that are reliable and offer security anywhere in the world.