Climate Change, Post-harvest Losses and Food Wastage Mark World Food Day Celebrations

By Marko Phiri

As the World Food Day was marked on October 16, 2023, millions worldwide were starving and global food wastage is yet to ease.

According to agencies, food worth billions of dollars goes to waste annually due to poor post-harvest storage and food that has made it to the table but is later dumped as leftovers.

Rich countries, the world’s major food producers, have been identified as culprits as the Global South struggles with food insecurity. The World Food Programme (WFP) says hundreds of millions of people in developing countries require food assistance despite evidence that global food production remains enough to address such humanitarian emergencies.

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The Truth About GMO Research

Dr. Martin Mwirigi, Director of the Biotechnology Research Institute at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization.

In a bid to address misinformation and unfounded claims about GMOs, Alliance for Science had a one-on-one interview with Dr Martin Mwirigi, the Director of the Biotechnology Research Institute at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (Kalro), to help shed more light on Kenya’s journey in biotechnology.

“Genetic modification through the natural process started a long time ago. Biotechnology is trying to use what happens naturally and fast-track it.”

Kalro is the body tasked with carrying out agricultural research by applying science, technology, and innovation.

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Factors that Influence Herbicide Selection: Choosing the Right Tool for Weed Control

Weeds are a significant challenge in agriculture, landscaping, and natural resource management. They compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight, reducing yields and overall productivity. To combat these unwanted plants, herbicides are a common and effective tool. However, selecting the right herbicide for a particular situation is crucial for successful weed control. Various factors come into play when choosing the most suitable herbicide, and understanding these factors is essential for effective and responsible herbicide use.

1. Weed Species and Life Stage
Different herbicides are formulated to target specific weed species. Some herbicides are broad-spectrum, effective against a wide range of weeds, while others are selective, targeting only specific types of weeds. Understanding the weed species in your area and their life stage (e.g., germinating seeds, established plants, or mature plants) is fundamental to choosing the right herbicide. For example, pre-emergence herbicides are applied before weeds sprout, while post-emergence herbicides are used on established weeds.

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Protecting Bees from Pesticides

By David Jones & Anne-Marie Steyn

Yields in high value cash & export crops such as coffee, potatoes, avocados, pawpaws, watermelons, oranges, cucumber, passion fruit, etc, hugely depend on the pollination activities carried out by bees, butterflies, birds & other pollinators. Pollinators are essential to the production of many of the micronutrient rich fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and oils we eat. In fact, close to 75 percent of the world’s crops producing fruits and seeds for human consumption depend, at least in part, on pollinators for sustained production, yield and quality. The diversity of food available is largely owed to bees and other pollinators. But alarmingly, in a number of regions, pollination services are showing declining trends.

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Post-Harvest Wheat Management in the Face of Climate Change

Post-harvest wheat management includes activities such as harvesting, drying, storage, and transportation, all of which can be influenced by climate change in various ways.

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and its impacts are being felt across the globe. As a climatesensitive sector, agriculture is particularly vulnerable to the changing climate. Wheat, one of the world’s most important staple crops, faces significant challenges in the post-harvest phase as a result of climate change.

The Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Production
Wheat is a vital source of food for billions of people worldwide. It is grown in a wide range of climatic conditions, making it susceptible to the effects of climate change.

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