TarzecTM 320WG: The Next Generation of Weed Control

It was pomp and dance at a Nanyuki hotel as wheat growers welcomed the entry of a totally unique post-emergence Herbicide for the control of grasses and broad leaf weeds on wheat, TarzecTM 320 WG. The launch came with an almost audiorecorded oratory of the Corteva Agriscience Marketing Campaign Manager, Mr. Innocent Oeri not previously heard before on the slopes of Mt. Kenya. Co-ordinating well with seasoned Francis Karanja, the Corteva Agriscience Sales Manager ESCA, they touched the hearts of growers who will definitely add it to their spray programs.

Though seasoned in covering launches, I had never seen such an interactive session as growers engaged the able Corteva technical team Led by Mr. Anampiu Kithinji, Business Director WESCA, Stephen Nderitu, Territory Sales Representative and Joan Mbuva, Marketing Specialist. The team was also supported by knowledgeable distributors among them David Ndegwa of Grebe, Brenda Muthoni of Sunrise and Mr. Stanley Maina, a farmer and a freelance consultant specialized in wheat.

In a more theatrical way, Mr. Oeri said, “In today’s ever changing environment- with constantly shifting social-economic, environmental and market priorities, every grower would vote for a product which ensures effective weed management, cost competitive, with minimal environmental impact, crop tolerance and good compatibility. In addition, it should lead to more vigorous, healthier and higher yielding crops”.

TarzecTM 320 WG is a broad-spectrum wheat herbicide with no carry over, with better flexibility on timing and weather conditions, and has a unique mode of action for control of a wide range of broadleaf and some grass weeds in wheat. This was said by Mr. Innocent Oeri while addressing farmers during the launch. Mr. Oeri told farmers that TarzecTM 320 WG is a systemic herbicide mainly absorbed through leaves, and shoots but also by roots of plants. It is translocated through the phloem and xylem and accumulates in the meristematic tissue. Tarzec TM 320 WG has ArylexTM active as the driver molecule. Arylex™ active is a synthetic auxin herbicide. Treatment with Arylex™ active mimics the effects of a persistent high dose of the natural plant hormone auxin causing overstimulation of specific auxin-regulated genes. Like other triazolopyrimidines, pyroxsulam inhibits acetolactate synthase (ALS), which is an essential enzyme in branchedchain amino acid biosynthesis. These include the essential amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. Inhibition of amino acid production subsequently inhibits cell division and causes death in susceptible plants.

Tarzec™ 320 WG herbicide Technical Attributes include

  • Cross Spectrum of Efficacy
  • Faster Kill of Broadleaf Weeds TarzecTM 320WG: The Next Generation of Weed Control
  • Wide Window of Application
  • Ease of Use
  • Low Use Rate
  • Following Crop Flexibility

Spectrum of activity
Mr. Stephen Nderitu took the growers through a variety of grasses and weeds. He said “it’s highly evident that cereal farmers are facing extreme challenges in managing tough weeds like Foxtail, love grass (setaria sp), Wild Oat (Avena fatua), & Crabgrass (Digataria Sangunalis) with existing options. In addition, they are also facing challenges of Broad Leaf Weeds such as Billy goat (Ageratum conzydes), Pigweed (Amaranthus hybrindus), Black Jack (Bidens Pilosa) etc. With TarzecTM 320 WG superior level of control, and unmatched application flexibility, the Corteva Agriscience team is very excited about the role TarzecTM 320 WG will play to enable farmers to restore effective, efficient and sustainable weed control programs.”

Application of TarzecTM 320 WG must be when the wheat crop is at the early tillering stage to two nodes stage (BBCH 12-32). The weeds should be actively growing at the time of application. TarzecTM 320 WG will provide post-emergence activity on broadleaf weeds that are at 2-6 leaves and grasses that are at 2 Leaves to the early tillering stage. TarzecTM 320 WG may be applied by a knapsack or tractor-mounted sprayer as a broadcast foliar application. Spray in dilution of 200 L of water/Ha.

Formulation Attribute
It is a safe formulation compatible with wide range of tank-mix partners and Adjuvants, and easy to measure and easy to use. TarzecTM 320 WG has a rapid dispersion in cold water and active suspension in water. It has no sedimentation, less packaging left to destroy later and is dust-free. The product has a rainfastness of 1-4 hours after application.

Managing Resistance
TarzecTM 320 WG offers flexibility and freedom in crop rotation. Where possible, rotate using TarzecTM 320 WG herbicide or other ALS herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds. Farmers are advised to use recommended rates to maximize control of highrisk/ difficult-to-control weeds and follow label statements concerning rates, volumes and timing of application. TarzecTM 320 WG should only be applied ONCE per season and farmers are advised not to over-rely on a single herbicide mode of action. They should consider the use of cultural control methods when possible

Mr. Francis Karanja took growers through other Corteva Agriscience products for both Cereals and Horticulture among them Equation Pro for control of Downy and Blight. “This will save you 18 days of Sprays per season”, he said. Corteva Agriscience boasts of UpholdTM 360 SC, one of the