Integrated Weed Management

At the International Weed Science Congress in Prague, scientists from 57 countries came together to discuss the way forward in weed control and possible solutions against the global problem of weed resistance.

With the number of herbicide-resistant weeds growing dramatically worldwide, scientists at the Congress agreed that breakthrough innovations in weed research were urgently needed in order to address the severe agricultural problems of today and tomorrow. “It is high time that we speed up research in weed control,” said Hermann Stuebler, Head of Weed Control Research at Bayer, in the opening speech. “In order to prevent new resistances from spreading and preserve the efficacy of current weed control solutions, we need to provide farmers with new tools so that they can diversify their weed control strategies. For many farmers worldwide, new and resistancebreaking herbicides are a question of economic survival.”

In combating weed resistance, most manufacturers must emphasize on innovation, partnerships and dialogue. Main weed research activities should concentrate, on engagement in understanding resistance mechanisms, testing and developing new concepts and tools to manage resistant weeds, and communicating and sharing their knowledge and solutions.

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Hermetic Storage Technology

How it Works:
Once closed as per instructions provided, oxygen and other gases are prevented from entering or exiting the bag thus protects the dried grains and pulses from infestation damage that most commonly occurs during post-harvest storage.

The key precaution is to ensure stored grains and cereals are dried to the recommended moisture levels (13.5%) before storage.

Recommended crop for storage using HST: Maize, beans, cow peas, green grams, sorghum, millet, chic peas, and many other cereals.

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Africa Can Feed Itself in a Generation

In many poor countries, however, farmers, small and mediumsized enterprises, and research centers do not interact in ways that accelerate the move beyond low value-added subsistence sustainable agriculture.

  • Africa can feed itself in a generation. Its agriculture has suffered a century of neglect, but a new crop of leaders focused on economic growth is poised to turn it around.
  •  The prospects are within reach. Africa has access to a large pool of technologies that can be harvested to raise productivity, reduce post-harvest losses, and improve markets.

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How Modern Information Sharing Can Transform Farms and Lives

Kenya is a land of plenty, billed by respected institutions as the agriculture powerhouse of Africa.

More than three quarters of smallholder farmers in Kenya and the region are stuck with low yields at every harvesting season in what researchers attribute to a systemic information gap on vital farming techniques. The situation is further exacerbated by the changes in weather which have gone on to depress rainfall and ultimately take a toll on yields. Ironically Kenya is home to dozens of research institutions of international repute that continue to produce groundbreaking innovation and findings. From drought tolerant and high yielding crop varieties to state of the art pest and disease control arsenals, even Kenyan scientists have gone on to win worlds most coveted acclaims.

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Canola agronomy and nutrition

David Jones A Broadacre Specialist Agronomist at Crop Nutrition Laboratories Ltd.

Canola is now a mainstream crop in Kenya, and for good reasons, it is profitable in its own right, improves the yield of following cereal crops, and givesexcellentcontrol of persistent grassweeds such as Bromes, Eleusine and Setaria. However, success with canola requires careful management however and close attention to detail to maximise its potential.

As with all crops, the establishment phase is critical. The small seed requires an accurate planting depth, and planting below 3cm will severely impair germination. The low seed rate, as often as low as 2.5 kg per hectare, means that the planter has to be accurately calibrated and the seedbed must be level to ensure even germination.

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