Canola: Grow it to Believe it

It is a bright day in the larger, Mau escarpments stretching from Narok through to Kuresoi. Farmers Daniel Kilesi and John Paul Munene survey the Canola plants on their farm, the sea of yellow blossoms, what they see brings smiles to their faces. “Canola flowers just put you in a good mood,” says Daniel Kilesi. The farmers will have to wait a few more months to get really excited. By the next few months the flowers will turn into pods, and the flowers’ black seeds, which contain precious oil, will be ready for harvesting. Mr. Kilesi and Mr Munene are part of a larger group supported by the Center of Excellence for Crop Rotation, a project by Agventure Ltd to enable farmers to grow rotation crops including canola.

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Disease Management in Cereals

Thomas Kipkorir

Once fields are properly scouted, data can be used to determine insect control options. Course of action should be started only when you are fully armed with up-to-date, accurate information writes Thomas Kipkorir

Wheat and Barley farmers rank disease as one of the top factors limiting wheat and barley yields on their farms. Disease management is a key component of high-yielding wheat. Some diseases, such as take – all disease, must be managed proactively and cannot be controlled once they are established. Other diseases, such as foliar diseases caused by fungi, can be managed by the timely application of foliar fungicides.

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