Climate Smart Agriculture: Way to go

The Government of Kenya is fully aware that the progress being made towards food security, poverty reduction and sustainable development is at risk due to adverse impacts of climate change

Historical records show that Kenya has experienced rising temperatures over the last 50 years coupled with intense and extreme climate and weather events like droughts and floods

zzIn response to this the Kenyan Government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries launched the Kenyan Climate Smart Agriculture Framework (KCSAF) 2018-2027 to mitigate the risks of climate change through realization of climate resilient and low carbon growth sustainable agriculture which will ensure food security and contribute to national development goals in line to vision 2030.

The Framework is supposed to explore climate smart practices relating to sustainable intensification of crop, agroforestry, livestock and fisheries production; adaptation and mitigation practices in livestock production systems; efficient management of agricultural commodity value chains; opportunities to leverage climate finance for CSA; knowledge sharing and effective learning; strengthening key institutions and systems for CSA initiatives; and mainstreaming CSA elements into national policies and development planning process.

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Corteva Agriscience: Transforming farmers into Smart Businessmen

Farmers experienced Corteva integrated solutions at farm level.

Capacity building of farmers through training on choice of the right maize seed variety and the right crop protection product is one of the ways to improve agricultural productivity. This was said by the Uasin Gishu CEC Agriculture Mr. Samuel Yego during a farmer exchange program session organised by Corteva Agriscience.

Mr. Yego added that low agricultural productivity was due to limited adoption of new agricultural innovations/Technologies. “I encourage you farmers to adopt the new technologies like genetics, weed and pest management solutions offered by Corteva Agriscience specifically for the control of weeds and Fall Army Worm in maize ”, he added.

The event held at Komool farm in Eldoret drew farmers across the maize growing regions of Uasin Gishu, Trans Nzoia and Narok Counties. Farmers were not only verbally trained but also heard from first-hand experience of a farmer who had used Corteva integrated maize solutions.

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Continues With Their Quest For Sustainable Agriculture During A Farmers’
Field Day In Meru County

OCP Kenya in partnership with Muuga FM hosted an elaborate and educative field day for farmers on 21st September 2019. Farmers from different parts of the county flocked into the event to gain knowledge on the right agricultural practices and products from OCP in preparation for the planting season.

Development Partner for Farmers
Time and again OCP Kenya has participated in different projects across the country aimed at equipping the farmers with knowledge, linking them with resources, provision of technical services to ensure that smallholder farmers increase their production to realize sustainable livelihood from their investment. The Meru event was one among the many events where OCP has gone an extra mile to help small holder farmer to practice farming in the right way, using the right methods and with the right products. Through their mobile soil testing dubbed as “school lab”, OCP Kenya provides soil testing services to farmers across the country free of charge. Giving them technical advice on crop production, fertilizer use and other good agricultural practices.

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